Good morning, residents of Hollidaysburg, PA. Prepare yourself for an overcast, rainy day today, January 27, 2024. Be sure to have your umbrellas! We have a 100% cloud cover and a moderate intensity rainfall with little chance of change. Expect high humidity at 81%, adding to the overall damp texture of the day. Finish breakfast early, cause morning temperatures will hover around 44°F. As the day progresses, a high of 50°F and a low of 44°F are anticipated. The evening will cool slightly to about 48°F while nighttime temperatures are expected to drop a bit more, around 45°F. Prepare for wind speeds averaging 3.22 mph, and keep those hats secure as we might experience occasional gusts surging up to 8.5 mph. Rain boots and jackets are certainly today’s fashion in Hollidaysburg. Stay safe, stay dry, and enjoy your day!
06/21/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg
Good Morning! The weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA on June 21, 2024, anticipates light rain throughout the day. The temperature...
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