Good Morning, everyone! Today’s weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA indicates a clear sky throughout the day with minimal chances of precipitation. The highest temperature will reach approximately 48.67°F, while the lowest will dip slightly below freezing at 30.5°F. The chilly morning starts at 30.5°F. As the day continues, we can expect the temperature to rise to 39.46°F by evening and slightly drop to 33.4°F at night. Humidity stands at a drier 43%, with a gentle wind travailing at a speed of 2.01 miles per hour and intermittent gusts surging up to 2.37 miles per hour. The cloud coverage is expected to remain at 0%, offering us bright, sunny skies. Remember to stay warm and keep hydrated especially in the morning. Enjoy the clear weather!
06/21/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg
Good Morning! The weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA on June 21, 2024, anticipates light rain throughout the day. The temperature...
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