Good evening, Hollidaysburg, PA! Tonight, expect light rain persisting into the evening with a 5.37% precipitation probability. Maximum temperatures reaching up to 79.34°F with minimums around 61.34°F. By the morning, the temperatures will pleasantly hover around 64.65°F, rising to approximately 68.65°F in the evening. The night will bring a slight drop in temperature to a cool 64.44°F. Humidity levels are moderate, standing at 56%. Winds will be light, with a speed of 2.18mph accompanied by gusts of up to 3.27mph. The skies will be heavily clouded, with a 99% cloudiness forecast. Despite the light rain, it’s a relatively mild evening in Hollidaysburg. Remember to bring your umbrella if you have any outdoor plans tonight. Stay safe and warm, Hollidaysburg!
06/21/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg
Good Morning! The weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA on June 21, 2024, anticipates light rain throughout the day. The temperature...
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