Good morning! In Hollidaysburg, PA, significant rainfall is expected today with an overall precipitation probability of 8.45. The anticipated maximum temperature will reach about 46 degrees Fahrenheit and the minimum should hit around 40 degrees. Morning temperatures will likely be 42°F, warming up to 45°F by the evening, and reaching a peak of 46°F overnight. With a 100% cloud cover, we won’t be seeing much of the sky today. Wind speeds will be at a gentle 3.59 mph but watch out for gusts surging up to 14.02 mph. You’ll want to keep your umbrella on hand throughout this day. Although it will be a good day for ducks, please not that abnormally high humidity of 99% will make even the moderate temperature feel chilly. Please dress in layers to keep warm and dry on this rainy day in Hollidaysburg.
06/21/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg
Good Morning! The weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA on June 21, 2024, anticipates light rain throughout the day. The temperature...
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