Central Pennsylvania Food Bank to Open New Hub in Hollidaysburg

In an effort to combat rising food insecurity in Central Pennsylvania, the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank is set to open a new hub in Hollidaysburg. This initiative represents a crucial step in addressing the growing needs of the community, particularly in the face of economic challenges and rising food costs. The Hollidaysburg hub, termed the “Western Healthy Food Hub,” is poised to become a key resource in the fight against hunger in the region.

Background of Food Insecurity in Central Pennsylvania

Central Pennsylvania, like many regions, has faced a growing challenge of food insecurity. Data from the Food Bank and local agencies reveal that the number of individuals and families struggling to access sufficient food has been on the rise, exacerbated by factors like economic downturns and the COVID-19 pandemic. This trend highlights the urgent need for increased support and resources.

Central Pennsylvania Food Bank’s Role

The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank, with its main hub in Harrisburg and a smaller one in Williamsport, has been at the forefront of addressing hunger in the region. With a history of providing food assistance and support services, the Food Bank plays a critical role in meeting the nutritional needs of vulnerable populations across multiple counties.

The New Hub in Hollidaysburg

The new hub in Hollidaysburg, sharing space with the American Rescue Workers of Blair County, is strategically located to serve an area with high demand for food assistance. The facility is undergoing renovations and is expected to be operational by March or April 2024. It will extend the Food Bank’s reach, significantly enhancing its capacity to distribute food.

Addressing the Need: Why Hollidaysburg?

Hollidaysburg was chosen for the new hub due to its central location and the identified need in surrounding counties. The region has seen a disparity in food distribution per capita, indicating an underserved community in dire need of support.

Collaboration with Local Farmers

An innovative aspect of the hub is its collaboration with local farmers. This partnership not only supports local agriculture but also ensures a steady supply of fresh, healthy food. The Food Bank’s “farm team” is actively engaging with farmers in the region, tapping into a previously underutilized resource.

Community Perspectives

Local residents and officials have expressed optimism about the hub’s potential impact. Beneficiaries of the Food Bank’s services have shared their experiences and the difference such support makes in their lives. This community feedback underscores the importance and anticipated effectiveness of the new hub.

Challenges and Opportunities

While establishing the hub presents logistical and operational challenges, it also opens doors for community involvement and engagement. There are opportunities for volunteers, partnerships, and local business involvement, creating a community-driven approach to addressing food insecurity.

Future Outlook

The Hollidaysburg hub is expected to significantly reduce food insecurity in the region. There are also plans to evaluate the hub’s impact and explore possibilities for expanding this model to other areas facing similar challenges.

The opening of the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank’s new hub in Hollidaysburg marks a significant milestone in the region’s fight against hunger. It is a call to action for the community to come together and support this vital initiative, ensuring that no one in Central Pennsylvania has to face food insecurity alone.


  1. WPSU Article on Central Pennsylvania Food Bank’s New Hub
  2. Ground News Article on Central Pennsylvania Food Bank
  3. Central Pennsylvania Food Bank Official Website
    • Central Pennsylvania Food Bank
    • The official website provides comprehensive information about the organization’s mission, history, and the areas they serve. It’s a primary source for understanding the broader context of their operations and impact.
  4. Local News and Community Resources
    • Local news websites and community resource pages may provide additional insights and updates about the project. These can include local newspapers like the Hollidaysburg Herald or community forums.
  5. Government and Non-Profit Data on Food Insecurity
    • Websites like Feeding America and government reports on food security in Pennsylvania offer statistical data and analyses of food insecurity trends in the region.
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