06/18/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning! The weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA today, June 18th, 2024, predicts the presence of moderate rain. Our maximum temperature is expected to be around 90°F with a minimum temperature hovering around 67°F. Our morning will kick off on the cooler side, around 68°F, but as evening grows near, the temperature will rise to the high 80s. Nightfall will bring cooler air, dropping the temp to 72°F. We have a rate of 3.71% for precipitation, favorable for those light, gentle showers throughout the day. Humidity levels will be moderately high at 75%, under partly cloudy skies with 54% cloud coverage. Breezy conditions are due today with wind speeds averaging about 3.56mph and gusts of up to 7.15mph. Have those umbrellas ready and enjoy the refreshing rain!

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