06/20/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning, here’s your weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA on June 20, 2024. We’ll have broken clouds today with a high of around 88 degrees Fahrenheit and a low of around 63 degrees. In the morning, temperatures will be around 64 degrees, warming up to the upper 80s by evening before cooling off to around 72 degrees Fahrenheit at night. Despite the cloud-cover, with 67% cloudiness, there’s no specific indication of any precipitation. Humidity should be at a comfortable 50%, bringing about some relief from the heat tip. Wind speeds will be relatively calm but do anticipate gentle breezes, at around 2.55 mph, along with gusts up to 2.64 mph. Overall, a warm day with a good mix of clouds and sun. Plan your day accordingly.

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