06/21/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning! The weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA on June 21, 2024, anticipates light rain throughout the day. The temperature will begin at around 68°F in the morning, perfect for those early risers grabbing a coffee before work. As the day progresses, expect a high near 92°F, dropping again to an enjoyable 84°F in the evening. Over the course of the night, the temperatures will cool a bit to a comfortable 73°F. There’s a fairly low chance of precipitation at 2.28%, so don’t cancel your plans just yet. We’ll see 5% cloudiness and feel wind gusts of about 3.86 mph. Humidity will be at 62%, enough to note but not overly sticky. Enjoy your day, Hollidaysburg, and find cheer even under these light showers!

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