01/02/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good morning! Today’s weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA has us moving through a day of grey skies with 71% cloudiness including some broken clouds. We’re expecting quite a chilly day with the temperatures fluctuating from a morning low of around 30.5°F (just below freezing, folks), to an afternoon high of about 36.12°F. By nightfall, temperature settles near 32.38°F. Not forgetting the wind, it’s set to blow at a moderate speed of 5.32 mph, with potential gusts peaking up to 15.23 mph. Our humidity will be slightly high, around 74%. Today’s forecast doesn’t indicate any significant chance of rain but be sure to dress warmly to stay comfortable. Will be checking back with more updates, stay safe and have a great day!

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