01/03/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good morning! Today’s weather in Hollidaysburg, PA seems all about the grey chill. Temperatures schedule to swing between 41.12°F at its warmest at 5:07 p.m and 31.04°F at its minimum. The morning perceives brittle cold at 32.16°F. The evening, though a tad warmer, might still find you in a bulky jacket with 32.68°F. Expect the mercury to dip just below freezing marks at night. Cloudiness? It’s overshadowing 72% of today’s sky with its slightly ominous broken clouds, hence, some peak sun might creep through. However, you would need to deal with an humidity level of 56% that might make those temperatures feel cooler than they are. Wind speeds are hitting averages at 4.86 mph but do brace for a gusty day up to 13.08 mph at times. And thus, though conspicuity of precipitation is missing from today’s forecast, it’s a chill to respect nonetheless. Keep warm, Hollidaysburg!

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