01/07/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning! Here’s the weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA. Expect a day of light snow with a 100% chance of cloudiness today. Temperature will ride quite low, reaching a maximum of about 35°F and dipping to as low as 30°F. The morning will kick off with sub-freezing temperatures near 31°F, gradually increasing to 33°F by the evening. However, a slight dip in the temperature to about 32°F is expected by nightfall. There’s a relatively high chance of precipitation at 1.22, so pull out your snow boots and umbrellas. Our humidity level is projected at a high 92%, guaranteeing a cold, damp day throughout. The wind would not be left behind, expected to speed within 6.21 mph with gusts peaking at 13.63 mph. Stay warm, Hollidaysburg!

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