01/10/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning, let’s have a glance at the weather in Hollidaysburg, PA. Today, January 10, 2024, we have a chilly day ahead with predominantly cloudy skies. Temperatures this morning will hover around 39.5°F, escalating to a maximum of 43.2°F during the day. By evening, temperatures will drop closer to 34.7°F, finally settling at a nippy 32.8°F at night. With an 82% cloud cover and broken clouds floating past, there is indeed a wintry charm in the air. Please bundle up as the humidity is also pegged at 82%, offering a damp cold. Wind speed is significant, averaging at 10.4 mph. Gusts could potentially reach up to 21.47 mph, adding a distinct chill to the day. Today appears to be perfect for curling up with a good book by a roaring fireplace. So grab your warmest plush throws and hot drinks and enjoy this winter day.

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