01/13/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning! Today’s forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA expects cold rain and snow throughout the day. Morning temperature will reach a high around 39℉ but will decrease significantly as nightfall approaches to an evening low of 26℉. A combination of snow showers and high winds is expected. Wind speed will average around 10.41mph with stronger gusts up to 23.05mph likely to produce blowing and drifting snow. Precipitation is quite probable at 1.24 and a humidity level of 78 indicating a damp, chilly day. Expect a balmy night with a temperature of 26℉. It’s recommended to wrap up warm and prepare for reduced visibility on the roads due to 79% cloudiness and driving winds. Stay safe and warm out there! We hope you enjoy the winter wonderland from the comfort of your home.

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