02/01/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good morning, Hollidaysburg. Prepare for a chilly February day with overcast skies predicted throughout. Today, the temperatures will range from a high of around 47°F to a low slightly above 36°F. Your morning commute will be bracing with the thermometer hovering around 37°F. By evening, temperatures will incline slightly to nearly 42°F, and it’s anticipated to remain the same through the night. It’s recommended to bundle up as we are expecting cloudy conditions with cloud cover near 98%. Humidity will hover around 63%, contributing to the brisk feeling of the day. Be aware of the wind as well, moving at speeds around 5.69 mph with gusts occasionally reaching up to 13.85 mph. The odds for precipitation are currently unclear. Hence, don’t forget your winter attire while stepping out and make sure to keep warm. Stay tuned for further weather updates.

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