02/14/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning! Here’s your weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA on 14th of February, 2024. We’ve got broken clouds dominating the sky with 71% cloudiness, making it a perfect day for those who love a little grey in their ambiance. Temperatures will range from -8.2°F during the chilly, windy night to a high of about 36.6°F. Starting off the morning at around 29.5°F, we’ll experience relatively mild weather come evening with temps heating up slightly to about 30.2°F. Besides, brace yourselves for some palpable gusts of wind reaching upto 14.25 mph. The air will stay moderately dry with just 55% humidity. There’s no significant precipitation anticipated, ensuring a clear but extra cold Valentine’s Day! Heavy coats and windbreakers will be your best bet against the chill. Stay warm, Hollidaysburg!

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