02/15/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning! Today’s weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA confirms moderate rain. After a chilly morning at 19.80°F, temperatures will be on the rise, reaching a high of 47.41°F by late afternoon. Night-time will bring colder temperatures, around 32.34°F.

Prepare for an overcast day as we’re expecting 100% cloud cover, bringing a bit of gloom to the town. With a humidity level of 57%, you’ll certainly feel a damp chill in the air. Keep into account, while our wind speed will average around 9.55 mph, we’re expecting gusts almost doubling that, reaching up to 18.9 mph.

Make sure to bundle up and bring your umbrella, as there’s a 2.6% chance of precipitation. Despite the rain, do your best to stay warm and safe while out and about in Hollidaysburg. Stay tuned for more weather updates.

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