02/16/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning! The weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA today, 16th of February, 2024 is indicative of a typical winter day. We’ll experience some soft snowfall throughout the day. In terms of temperature, the high will barely creep past 36°F, peaking at 36.27°F, with the low dipping down to around 28°F overnight. This morning, temperatures will hover around 31.5°F, and we can expect a similar feel this evening. The chance of precipitation is relatively low at 2.9%, but make no mistake, the fluffy white stuff will be making an appearance. Humidity will stay around 50%. Hold onto your hats today folks, we’re looking at wind speeds averaging 9.59 mph, but gusts could reach as high as 19.26 mph. A whisper of cloud cover at 17% will web the sky, but will not do much to dampen the sunny winter atmosphere. Stay warm and enjoy your day!

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