02/18/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning, Hollidaysburg! The weather on February 18th, 2024, is promising to be on the colder side. Morning temperatures will kick off at a chilly -6.8°C, or roughly 19.76°F, appropriate for a winter day in February. By evening, things should slightly warm up to -0.27°C, hovering just below 31.51°F. However, as the night falls, temperatures are set to lower again to a more brisk -2.09°C or around 28.24°F. The sky would be mostly clear with only 8% cloudiness. There’s a fair chance we might experience some wind with a typical speed of 7.32mph, potentially reaching up to 18.76mph in gusts. Humidity will be relatively normal with 65%. All in all, it’s a bright but crisp day ahead, make sure to bundle up well to keep warm!

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