02/22/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning! It’s going to be a damp and chilly day in Hollidaysburg, PA with moderate rain predicted throughout the day. Temperatures might rise to a high of 39°F, but with the wind chill, it could feel much colder. Forecasted low is around 32°F that’ll likely occur in the early morning hours. As the day moves on, the temperature will slowly increase to around 36°F by evening before hitting the night’s high of 38°F. Expect a strong humidity presence at 85% with somewhat calm winds at an average speed of 2.43 mph, with occasional gusts reaching up to 5.24 mph. Dress warmly and keep your umbrellas handy as precipitation probability is measured at 14.24 percent. The cloud cover of 100% will ensure we don’t see much of the sun today. Stay warm, and remember to drive safely on the wet roads!

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