02/29/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning Hollidaysburg! Clear skies, brisk winds, and cold temperatures are on tap for today, February 29th, 2024. The predawn hours will start rather chilly, with temperatures as low as -3.84°C, which is about 25°F. As the day progresses, we’ll only reach an afternoon high of 3.41°C, or around 38°F. Moderate winds will speed up to 8.7 mph, but brace yourselves for those gusts reaching speeds of 18 mph. Cloudiness will be at a minimum at just six percent and humidity levels will hover around 38 percent. By evening, temperatures will drop slightly to 0.9°C (33°F). Nighttime temperatures could reach -1.57°C, that’s about 29°F. Although the day is clear, dress in layers to keep those cold temperatures at bay. That’s the weather in a nutshell for Hollidaysburg. Make sure you stay warm and have a great day!

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