03/02/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning! Here’s your forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA. It’s going to be a rainy day, so keep that umbrella handy. Moderate rain showers are expected throughout the day. Temperatures will range from 37.7 to 44.6 Fahrenheit. Your morning temperature has started at around 39.5 Fahrenheit. As we move forward into the evening, expect temperatures to pick up slightly at around 43.4. By night, temperatures will hover around 43.664 Fahrenheit. The likelihood of precipitation? About 13%. Humidity is at a high of 98%. Wind speeds will be breezy at 2.51, with some gusts even reaching 10.19. But don’t expect any sunshine – the sky is projected to remain 100% cloudy. A classic rainy, chill day here in Hollidaysburg, so bundle up and stay dry!

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