03/04/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning! The weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA on March 4, 2024, is looking relatively cloudy. With a 76% cloud cover, expect to see broken clouds throughout the day, creating the perfect backdrop for a brisk winter day. It will be a chilly day with temperatures starting at around 42°F in the morning, peaking at 63°F, and cooling to 56°F in the evening. By nightfall, bundle up as the temperature drops to 49°F. Humidity is not overly high, as it will stand at 72% for the day. You might feel a light breeze, with wind speeds going up to 9.24 mph in gusts, not too windy but might require a windbreaker. So, keep those coats out, folks! With no significant probability of rain, make the most of this typically winter-y day! Stay warm, and enjoy the rest of your day!

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