03/26/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning. The weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA for March 26th, 2024 brings moderate rain, with temperatures ranging between a low of 37°F in the early morning to an expected high of 52°F in the afternoon. The evening will cool slightly to be close to 48°F. A near-certainity of cloudiness throughout the day will keep the skies overcast. A breeze will also be present, with an average wind speed of 5.46 mph and gusts reaching 12.66 mph. Humidity levels will hover around the halfway mark at 51%, making it a relatively comfortable day, if you don’t mind a bit of moisture. Make sure to grab a waterproof jacket to stay warm and dry for today! Precipitation possibilities are significant, Piecing it all together, the weather may dampen your plans but won’t be severe enough to halt them completely. Enjoy your day, stay dry and stay safe, Hollidaysburg!

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