04/07/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning, residents of Hollidaysburg, PA. The weather is surely promising today, with crystal clear skies making an appearance. Temperatures are running a bit cool with a minimum temperature around 35°F in the morning and a soaring high of about 57°F during the day. By evening, we’re anticipating a drop to a still comfortable 51°F. Felix the night owl has good news for the night time stargazers, expecting an enticing 43°F. With a low humidity of around 49%, today won’t be too steamy. Gentle breezes at around 3 mph and gusts peaking at around 5 mph will daintily sway the blossoms and provide a soothing rhythm to the day. With cloudiness at a mere 6%, savor the clear skies as you head out today. However, remember to dress warmly in the cool morning and nighttime hours. Who’s ready to taste a slice of spring in Hollidaysburg, PA? Perfect weather to get outdoors and enjoy the day!

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