04/30/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning! The weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA includes a light rain condition today with a 4.14% probability of precipitation. The day starts with a cool 59.72°F before reaching the high of 76.37°F. As the evening approaches, temperatures will gradually drop to around 62.78°F. As you get ready for the night, the temperature will further reduce to 57.65°F. The moisture, in the form of humidity, is also quite high at 58%. The morning will be cloudy, with an overcast measuring 96%, a perfect atmosphere for a serene cup of coffee. As for the wind, it will cater to boating enthusiasts with speeds reaching 5.57 mph and gusty peaks of 11.7 mph. Don’t forget to carry an umbrella if you’re stepping out for any outdoor activities. Stay safe everyone, in Hollidaysburg, PA. Let’s respect what the skies have planned for us today!

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