05/07/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning! Today’s weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA on May 7th, 2024 exhibits a moderate rainy day ahead. The day will commence with a chilly temperature of 60.17°F and a precipitation probability of 5.06%. Prepare for a maximum temperature of up to 75.92°F though there will be a significant change of temperature dipping down to a cooler 63.97°F by evening. The night continues to cool down further reaching to a minimum of 63.57°F. With a moderate humidity of about 60% along with a light breeze flowing at 2.24 mph and gusting up to 3.21 mph, carrying an umbrella today wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Cloud cover will mask about 63% of the sky, just enough to keep things pleasantly cool but do remember your raincoats to stay comfortably dry. Keep warm and stay safe!

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