06/05/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning, here is your forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA as of June 5th, 2024. It’s a rainy day in Hollidaysburg. Moderate rain is expected throughout the entire day with cloudiness at 100%. Temperatures will fluctuate slightly with a high of 73 degrees Fahrenheit in the evening from a comfortable 66 degrees in the morning, and dipping back to 67 degrees in the later hours. With a humidity level at a lofty 92%, carrying an umbrella is advisable. The wind speed will maintain at around 2.28 mph with gusts of up to 7.05 mph. Despite the rain and clouds, our precipitation probability stands just slightly above 5%, so while it’s undoubtedly wet, a sudden downpour is unlikely. Don’t forget to carry your raincoat and keep yourself dry on this damp day in Hollidaysburg. That’s all for today’s weather, stay safe and dry folks!

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