06/15/2024 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good morning! The weather forecast in Hollidaysburg, PA today, June 15th, 2024, promises clear skies with a high of 78°F and a cool low of 55°F. The morning starts a tad chilly at 55°F but don’t worry, by evening we’ll rise to a comfortable 72°F. A light jacket may come in handy for the night when we dip back down to 58°F. The chances of rain are low, with a relative humidity of 35%, making for a comfortably dry day. You might feel a light breeze throughout, having a wind speed of just over 4 mph and occasional gusts nearing 6 mph. With 0% cloudiness, it’s perfect for any outdoor plans you might have. Be sure to wear your sunglasses and enjoy the beautiful sunny day! Stay safe and enjoy the lovely weather, Hollidaysburg!

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