09/11/2023 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

09/11/2023 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

09/11/2023 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Welcome to the weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA on September 11th, 2023. Expect a day filled with light rain showers, with a precipitation probability of 32%. Temperatures will fluctuate throughout the day, reaching a maximum high of 79°F, and dipping to a chilly low at 63°F at night. The morning will start off cool with 65°F, and the temperature will rise slightly to about 69°F by the evening. The humidity level will be quite fair, at 57%, making it just humid enough without being overbearing. There will be a gentle babble of winds breezing through, with speeds of 3.66 mph, occasionally escalating to gusts of 4.82 mph. Cloudiness will pervade most of the day with a high of 83%, ensuring skies remain predominantly overcast. As we approach nightfall, the temperature will go back to the cool day’s minimum of 63°F. So you may want to grab your umbrella and a light jacket while heading out tomorrow!

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