11/29/2023 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

11/29/2023 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

11/29/2023 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning! Today’s weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA looks a bit chilly with mostly overcast clouds. The high temperature will reach about 36°F while diving down to a cold -18°F in the early morning hours. As the day progresses and we go into the evening hours, we can expect the temperature to increase to a relatively higher -1°F. The night will see a slight bump up to just above freezing at 32°F. There doesn’t seem to be any rain in the forecast today, however humidity levels will be lesser at around 34%. Prepare to bundle up if stepping outside, as winds will remain gusty, with speeds around 4.86 mph and gusting up to 12.36 mph. With cloudiness at 87%, there won’t be much sunshine to warm us up. So be sure to dress warmly and stay layered. Stay tuned for further updates and be safe!

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