12/22/2023 Weather Forecast for Hollidaysburg

Good Morning! Here’s your weather forecast for Hollidaysburg, PA today. We start the day with morning temperatures of 34°F, reaching a high of 40.8°F during the day. The mercury drops to a minimum of 34°F again into the night. We’re facing an overcast day with a cloud cover of 94%. The humidity levels will stay fairly moderate at around 64%. Not much wind is anticipated, maintaining speeds of around 1.37 with gusts up to 2.23. Prepare for a chilly day without any treacherous precipitation to weaken your outlook. Temperature this evening dips down to 37°F, accompanying the enhanced cloudiness. Tonight’s temperature is slated to be at 36.5°F. Bundle up folks, and keep a positive outlook. Stay safe and enjoy your day in Hollidaysburg!

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